Textile Machinery ProductsBUSINESS

A door to the future, to be opened by the accumulated technology Textile Machinery Parts

We have kept supplying products of high quality by utilizing our core technology cultivated by our production and development of textile machinery products through over 100 years.

Manufacturing 4M

Business of textile machinery products which is the founding business of Kanai Juyo Kogyo Co., Ltd.
We have kept supplying products of high quality by utilizing our core technology cultivated by our production and development of textile machinery products through over 100 years.

Textile industry is one of the growing industries in the viewpoint of world-wide increase of population and economical growth of newly developing countries.

Our business of textile machinery products, which is supplying the concerned products to the growing markets, will also keep growing.

Besides the field of clothing, tire cord used for tires of motorcars, glass fiber which is indispensable for the bases of smart phones and personal computers, and carbon fiber remarked as the material for the body of an airplane, etc. are expected to be grown in the non-clothing field, and we have kept complying with the market demands by our weapon of filling up " Manufacturing 4M " for the multiple markets.

Introduction of textile machinery productsBUSINESS

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